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Don’t Let Anything Get You Down

With modern fleet connectivity come modern fleet security and operational threats. Here’s how to reduce fleet downtime by addressing these threats head-on, leveraging your data to do it.

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Why Cybersecurity is Essential for Connected Fleets

What makes fleets so vulnerable to cyber attacks? What is the potential for damage? And what can be done about it?

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Don’t Let Anything Get You Down

With modern fleet connectivity come modern fleet security and operational threats. Here’s how to reduce fleet downtime by addressing these threats head-on, leveraging your data to do it.

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Why Cybersecurity is Essential for Connected Fleets

What makes fleets so vulnerable to cyber attacks? What is the potential for damage? And what can be done about it?

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Safeguarding the Future of Public Transportation

With Enigmatos, transit fleets get the access and visibility they need into the data they create, to achieve the safety and efficiency they can’t afford to do without.

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Enigmatos researches interesting attack-vectors that may hinder vehicles’ security and safety.

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British Cybersecurity Standardization is poised to address future threats with PAS

The UK market for connected and autonomous vehicles is about to grow significantly to an estimated £52 Billion annually by 2035.

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SW Updates in Automotive Industry – Part II

An immediate consequence of the last mile problem mentioned in Part I of this article

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SW Updates In Automotive Industry – Part I

Despite long life-cycle of vehicles – 11 years on average in the EU – existing SW update infrastructure

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Hacking Cars With Z3

A modern car has many many computing parts which are responsible of various functions of the car.

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